Introducing Addiction Help

Why Addiction Help, Why Now?
Allow Me to Introduce Myself
My name is Chris Carberg, and if you were to do a Google search on me, you’d learn that I’m a great many things.
- Entrepreneur
- Copywriter
- Digital Marketer
- Actor
- Screenwriter
- Playwright
- Director
- Film Producer
- New York Jets Fan
- Christian
- Husband
- Father
- Son
- The list goes on…
We are often defined by the work of our hands, identified by the words that best describe our behavior.
What About You?
Take a moment to think of yourself and the words used to describe you. I bet they are probably different than the words I listed.
There are probably definitions for you that are things I’ve never even heard of.
And yet, you’re here. Reading this right now.
Maybe the name of the website intrigued you. Maybe you’re just curious. Or maybe… we’re connected.
What could possibly connect such different people?
Mental Health Makes Strange Bed Fellows
I’m all the things I listed above and more. But what I’ve learned is that some certain topics and subjects connect us at an almost subatomic level.
In 2005, I was a 22-year-old kid who couldn’t stop taking pain pills and sedatives. I couldn’t stop drinking.
My young life had become unmanageable.
I had been prescribed medication for migraines and, over the course of two years, found myself taking handfuls of powerful opioid painkillers every day, blacking out in public, and nodding off while standing at a urinal.
During that time, when I was closer to death than I realized, I was given information about myself that scared and comforted me. I suffered from “ADDICTION.” Not the kind in the movies, but the real-life thing that lives under your skin and turns you into a marionette puppet.
It scared me because I never dreamed I would end up in rehab at 22. Was my life over?
It also comforted me because I could see this thing had been with me all my life, in my family, weaving in and out and wearing different masks. Passion. Zeal. Excitement. Fear. All of them could be normal expressions or manifestations of addictive behavior.
When my addiction was discovered, I felt a wave of relief.
I remember thinking, Thank God they caught me; now it can stop.
And in the same breath, I was still mentally prepared to blow everything up again for just one more hit, one more high.
It’s been 18 years since I took my last pill and drink. 18 years since I felt that false peace that the euphoria promises, which always morphs into self-destructive chaos.
By the grace of God, it’s been 18 years of new life, restored health, a beautiful family, and a meaningful career.
The Road to Addiction Help
I have been deeply passionate about what the web can be for self-destructive people. We know how people who enjoy inflicting harm on others can use the internet for their aims.
The potential for anonymity (if desired) offered by the web means that if you build something of value, of meaning, people can safely come and drink from your well. They can encounter other sojourners who have travailed their paths in years past. They can learn, care, and share with others who, like them, have battled this powerful enemy.
The internet was a place where I felt we could be honest, where we didn’t have to live a lie. (This was way before the influencer lifestyle.)
Over the past 18 years, I have been able to create projects that meant a lot to me.
But this one is special.
Addiction Help is intended to publish high-quality content, accuracy (to the best of our ability), and no selling-out addicts. We NEVER get paid to refer people needing help. That’s not what this is about. Addiction Help is something different. It’s a community.
Addiction Help is Co-Founded by Dr. Kent Hoffman, a renowned addiction specialist, someone I KNOW wants to see lives saved as much as I do.
Why My Identity as an Addict Drives Me
So while I am all of the things I mentioned at the beginning of this post, my experience as an addict and my love for the addiction recovery community is what drives me. I believe that all people are created in the image of God and deserve dignity.
If you’re in the thick of it and feel stuck in quicksand, I promise you won’t be disrespected here. We are here to walk with you until you can guide yourself (and then others).
Addiction Help is serious about saving lives and educating people.
It’s my honor to serve as a voice in the addiction community, and I look forward to connecting with you all in the days ahead.
Chris Carberg
Founder & CEO,
[email protected]
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